Hearts Were Healed!


HEARTS WERE HEALED!  If you spent the day with us at our Hearts Being Healed Conference on March 18th in Chico, you already know that it was a day of healing and praise and joy!

One of the most important things we do at this conference is in the closing session when each woman is given the opportunity to write down the temptations, issues, and situations in her life on a note card and then nail that card to the cross to leave for once and for all. Sometimes we also write prayer requests, goals, or Godly declarations over our life on that card.

For thirty days these cards are kept in a beautiful prayer box that states, “Life is breathtakingly beautiful”. An intercessor prays over each and every one; that God’s Will is accomplished in the life of that woman, that her prayers are answered, and her needs are met. What is an intercessor? An intercessor is one who intervenes or pleads on behalf of another person. Be encouraged and know that someone is praying for you, raising your needs and declarations to Almighty God on your behalf. And more importantly, we do not stand alone in this. Jesus has always, and will always, intercede with the Father for us. Romans 8:34 states, “Who then, is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.”


If one of the requests you wrote on your card was for the salvation of family members, take heart. Even though God does give each and every one of us free will to choose or deny Christ, it is God’s Will that all will be saved, as written in I Timothy 2:3-5- “This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.” Keep praying that their hearts will be softened and their eyes and ears open to what God is doing. God wants them to be saved even more than you!

Remember that we post a new encouraging and inspirational message on our blog every Sunday. Be sure to find a time sometime during the week to read them. You will find truth and encouragement there. We will continue this throughout the year, so please go to our website all year long to be inspired in your life journey, and to keep informed about Hearts Being Healed conferences, classes, and projects. You may also contact us through the website if you have questions for us.

May God bless your efforts and willingness to walk according to His Word!